What is Chemotherapy:
Chemotherapy is the mechanism to treat cancer that uses multiple (one or more) anti-cancer drugs. These anti-cancer drugs target both divide cells as well as the growing cells.
Chemotherapy mainly depends on what sort of cancer you have.
How Is Chemotherapy Used to Treat Cancer..
Chemotherapy often used in the combination with Radiation therapy, Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy & Radiation, Adjuvant Chemotherapy.
- Biological Therapy: In this therapy living material decently introduced in order to kill cancer. (Living material could be Antibodies, Bacteria or Vaccine).
- Surgery: In this case, cancerous tissue, organs, tumors removed by the doctor.
- Radiation Therapy: In Radiation therapy, doctors used invisible radioactive material or particle and bombard it on a specific place in the body.
- Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: This process takes place before surgery or radiation therapy.
- Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Adjuvant Chemotherapy takes place after surgery or radiation therapy.
What are the Goals of Chemotherapy Treatment
The goals of Chemotherapy treatment differs from person to person. It is based on the circumstances of the patient.
- Cure: In this, Chemotherapy used to eliminate cancer prior to detection in the body.
- Control: In such a segment, Chemotherapy used to prevent the spreading of cancer.
- Palliation: The term palliation refers to the last stage of cancer. And in this, Chemotherapy used for the reduction of pain.
How Long Does Chemotherapy Take..
The answer to How Long Does Chemotherapy Take totally depends on the following terms, which are as follows:
- Type of Chemotherapy.
- What type of Cancer You Have.
- The goal of treatment. (Cure, Control & Ease of Symptoms)
- How far along it is.
- The way your body reacts towards the treatment.
How is Chemotherapy Given..?
The are various ways by which Chemotherapy used to given, which are as follows:
- Oral: In this one gulp the form of the drug.
- Injection: Through this, drugs used to inject into muscles in your leg, thigh, fatty part of Arm or in the hip.
- Topical: In this kind of ointments or cream need to rub onto the skin.
- Intravenous (IV): This is the Chemotherapy of Vein.
- Intra-Arterial (IA): In this process, drugs inject into Artery with the help of a catheter (soft, thin tube) or needle.
- Intraperitoneal (IP): In this process, drugs go to the peritoneal cavity. (Peritoneal cavity contains organs such as Ovaries, Liver, Intestines, and stomach.
What are the Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy may cause long term side effects as well as rare side effects, most people often experience these side effects, that are given as:
- Weekend Immune System
- Constipation
- Low Blood Count
- Diarrhea
- Hair Loss
- Nausea
- Loss of Appetite
- Fatigue
- Mouth Sores
- Dry Skin
- Rashes
- Nail Problem
- Trouble Breathing
- Bruising Bleeding
- Increased risk of Infections
The long term side effect could be as weight gain & early menopause and rare side effects can be as leukemia & Heart problem.
Cancer and cancer-related treatment can weaken the Immune System.
How to Control the Side Effects of Chemotherapy
In order to control the side effects of Chemotherapy, you need to follow various crucial terms, which are as follows:
- Do not eat raw material such as meat, egg or seafood.
- Keep clean your hands throughout the day( Prior you eat, after touching animals & after from washroom).
- Avoid Hot, Sharp Smelling, and Irritating Food, rather than Eat Non-Acidic, Non-Spicy, Soft, and Cold Food.
- Take a warm bath or shower on the regular basis.
- Do walking that would be the best and light exercise for you.
- Take rest in slots rather than one in continuous form.
- Avoid the rush, go to the malls and for movies in order to enjoy peacefully.
- Do not cut or scratch your skin by nail or scissor.
- Add nuts and fruits to your breakfast.
- Do not smoke.
- Use body lotion or any cream for your dry skin or rashes.
- Avoid the consumption of Alchohol.
- In order to protect yourself from Mouth Sores, Rinse your mouth with warm Saltwater.
- Keep recording the video about your activities.
- Note down about how you feel in each time slot and tell your doctor about changes in your body.
How to Protect Cancer Patient from Cancer Treatment-Related Side Effects:
Cancer and treatment related to it often cause various side effects.
In order to relieve these side effects patient need to talk to their health care team and also patients can come forward and can boost their Immune System with the help of Ayurvedic Medicines for Immunity.
With the help of Immunity Booster Medicine, it is possible to boost the Immune System as well as Immunity.
Also, Ayurvedic Immune Booster Drugs can enhance your Immune System, so taking these ayurvedic drugs or herbs would be beneficial for everyone including Cancer patients.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Can Boost Immune System:
If you`re the one who is currently thinking About How to Build up Weak Immune System During Cancer Treatment, then the right answer is including with: Ayurvedic Immune Booster Medicine, Ayurvedic Herbs and Immunokris.
Ayurvedic Herbs that are essential for the Immune system:
- Sweet Potato: (Enriched with Selenium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin B, Iron, and essential minerals.
- Broccoli: ( Source Of Folic Acid, Vitamin C & K, and Potassium).
- Sun Flower Seed: ( Source of Protein, Linoleic Fatty Acids, and Magnesium).
- Ashwagandha: (Immune System Booster Medicine).
- Ginger: (Immunity Booster Root)
- Green Tea: (Major Source Of Polyphenols)
- Garlic: (Antiseptic, Anti-fungal ).
- Mushroom: ( Full of Zink, Folate, Magnesium, and Potassium).
- Spinach: (Contains antioxidants in rich quantity).
Immonokris: (Ayurvedic Medicine For Immunity):
- Immokris is the blend of 13 different ayurvedic herbs & roots that helps in protecting against the cancer treatment-related side effects.
- It helps in boosting the Immunity as well as Immune System.
- Immunokris is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Immunity, it provides improved quality of life.
What People Say About Immunokris
- Immunokris is a traditional holistic medicine that helps to boost the Immune System. We`re providing you the first dose of Immunokris free of cost.
- You can consider the first dose in order to check whether it is genuine or really works or not.
- As it has (Immunokris) no side effects so you can use for your Improved Quality of Life.
- You can see what is the perspective of Immunokris amongst the patient: https://youtu.be/gdzZ-RIF1kw