What is Immune System:
Human body is protected from different types of infection, disease and this protection is done by the immune system by providing immunity. Immune system is a defense system that our body uses to get protected from a lot of diseases.
Immunity is of two basic types. One is active immunity where the immune system protects us from a pathogen and second is passive immunity that is gained from someone else.
For a healthy human being it is very important to have a strong immune system. The immune system can be improved by several ayurvedic medications, exercise, food, sleep etc. It is highly recommended by doctors to use or consume ayurvedic medicines. One of such products is immunokris sold under Ikris Pharma Networks.
Corona virus to which the world is also known as "COVID-19". Whenever this virus attacks a healthy person its main target is to occupy the respiratory tract.
As we know that when any foreign particles enter into the human body the active immune system gives response. This activated immune response produced several antibodies against that antigen. The antibody attacks the antigen and destroys it.
Human immune system is also capable enough to make the immune system stronger so that the corona virus can't harm the body and the spread is stopped.
A strong immune system has enough antibodies and WBCs to fight the coronavirus. Several cases have been seen in India and abroad where a person of strong immunity beat this deadly coronavirus.
Coronavirus affects the person with weak immunity so that it can replicate soon and the human body doesn't get sufficient time to work against them. So it would be not wrong if we say, coronavirus don't like weak immune system
Ayurvedic Immune Booster Medicine: The most benefited ayurvedic immune booster medicine is " Immunokris". Immunokris is made with the help of 14 medicinal herbs. This is used to strengthen the immune system.
How to Boost Immune System:
Immune system is enhanced so that it can fight against several pathogens including coronavirus.
- Stress release - With the production of stress hormones the immune system weakens thus a person must have work-life equal balance.
- Sleep - Proper sleep of about 7-8 hours is required to build strong immunity.
- Vitamin uptake - Citrus fruits, spinach, turmeric, vitamins are used to support the immune system.
- Exercise and meditation - Exercise makes the body healthy while the meditation makes the soul pure.
- Healthy eating - meat, alcohol burns the immunity thus it should be avoided.
List of Ayurvedic Herbs:
There are some majorly medicinal herbs:
- Ashwagandha - It reduces, level of stress hormone that is cortisol.
- Boswellia - have anti- inflammatory properties.
- Brahmin - Improve brain function and deal with stress.
- Triphala - reduces joint inflammation.
- Licorice root - protects against various infectious
- Gotu Kola - reduces depression, anxiety.